November 23, 2020
A friend called me up last night to tell me that her best friend’s husband suddenly passed away, and she wanted to know what she could do to help and the right things to say. Since we’re in the middle of a pandemic, I thought it might be a good idea to put some advice out there should you find yourself in a similar situation.
Know that your friend will never be the same. This is a life-altering event that will change him or her forever, so don’t expect from them what you did in the past or for them to eventually get back to “normal.” They will be in a lot of pain, distracted, forgetful, and go into survival mode. The things that once mattered won’t, and things that didn’t matter before will. They probably won’t even know what they need, and if they do, they they might be too prideful to ask. They will be less tolerant of the petty things in life that we all think are so important right now, and their perspective will radically shift. You might not understand it, but if you love them, you’ll respect it. This applies to men just as much as women. Compassion and love are the best things you can offer your friend- or anyone else for that matter. The world is lacking this at a time when we all need it the most. is just as helpful to you- the friend of someone widowed- as it is for your friend who lost the one they expected to spend forever with. Check out their site, and the section on how you can help.
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