WEEKLY MALA MEDITATION - Practicing Acceptance.

The secret to happiness is letting every situation be what it is instead of what you think it should be. We spend so much time thinking of the past or worrying about our future that we don’t spend enough time in the present, and when we are in the present, we tend to think about what would make our “present” better than what it is. Try not wishing things were different. To find true joy and peace with your life, practice acceptance for things as they are right now.

Starting next to the guru bead, move your fingers from one counting bead to the next as you say the affirmations in the photo. Once you’ve returned to the guru bead, you have completed a full meditation!
May be an image of text that says 'PRACTICINGACCEPTANCE I will begin with quiet awareness. I have all that I need in this very moment. I am grateful for the air filling my lungs and the ability to move. Love, compassion, and gratitude are flowing into my heart. •Iam am enough. Bridge To Balance LLC'

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