Day 16 of 20 - Autumnal Equinox Series: LEARN SOMETHING NEW

 October 26, 2020

Is there something you have always wanted to learn? Sign language, US History that you may have forgotten from your school days, martial arts, taxidermy? Were you unable to complete the degree you were working towards because life took you in another direction, or maybe you’d like to further your education? Right now we have access to even more opportunities to learn online than ever before! Many classes that were never available online prior to the pandemic are now easily accessible, and many at discounted prices or even offered for free. They are even more convenient because most can be done during your spare time and from the comfort of your own home. 

Learning new things expands our minds, exercises our brains by strengthening neural connections and creating new pathways, and helps us to grow in unexpected ways. It gives a great sense of accomplishment and new skills we didn’t realize we had the potential for! It enhances quality of life and improves mental health which has benefits for mind, body and spirit. Don’t underestimate yourself - you can learn anything, and it’s never ever too late. 

Here is an amazing source of some of the online learning platforms available, and don’t forget to take a look at your continuing education catalog for some ideas, too! 

I realize that I could offer all of Bridge To Balance’s classes online as well; however, I’ve chosen to use this time to write my heart out, share as much helpful content as possible for free through my blog and social media posts, and be available to help my children through their remote learning experience. When the time is right, these classes will begin: 

B2B SELF-HEALING CLASSES - Not a certification class, but a less intensive introduction to Reiki and how you can use it to help yourself. By understanding some of the basics, you can empower yourself toward a path of self-healing and self love that will bring about balance and peace to every aspect of your life. This is recommended as a precursor to certification classes since it is very important to learn ways to help yourself heal in some fundamental ways before helping others to heal.

  • Shoden - 1st Degree (Level I)
  • Okuden - 2nd Degree (Level 2 II)
  • Shinpiden - 3rd Degree (Master Level)
MALA-MAKING WORKSHOPS: A Mala is an ancient meditation tool like prayer beads that has many benefits. For the person who has a hard time staying focused and struggles with meditation, a Mala can make all the difference. Learn how to make your own Mala using traditional beading techniques, how to use it for meditation, and leave with a whole new skill set and a beautiful piece of art you can wear that you created with your own two hands!

To learn more, go to:

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This Throat Chakra Mala is made with 106 Sandalwood counting beads + 2 Blue Lapiz Lazuli counting beads, cedar wood Buddha guru bead, blue s...