Since everyone varies greatly in their personalities, attention spans, levels of discipline, etc., there is bound to be at least one form of meditation that works for each individual. Thankfully there are many different ways to meditate! It's a good idea to try different methods to see what works best for you because of the profound benefits that meditation provides.
Personally, I have found so much benefit from using the Mala. It has given me profound anxiety relief. It's a way for me to be guided as I repeat healing affirmations. The affirmations themselves are a way to reinforce positive and healthy concepts, and the repetition helps to engrave them into my subconscious mind. It gives me a starting and ending point, and keeps my attention and focus with the sense of touch (using each bead for an affirmation). I even use it for breath work.
The Mala has made such a difference in my life that I wanted to learn how to make them so I could share them with others. I'm so happy to pass along this beautiful method of healing in mind, body and spirit!
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