December 31, 2020

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The cusp of a new year is my favorite time to reflect on what I've learned. 2020 gave me a needed shift in perspective that taught me that timelines aren't everything- if it doesn't happen right now, it doesn't mean it won't. It taught me to focus on what I CAN do, and not what I can't. It made people more transparent than ever which wasn't always pleasant, but is actually a really good thing. And most of all, to be reminded that what is truly important is to just be grateful for the fact that we made it out alive and are allowed to continue through this radical shift our world is in, however long it lasts. 

I'm not hoping for anything in 2021- I've learned to release expectations and realize there is a lot that is not within our control, but I can say with 100% certainty that I will continue to make the best of whatever it brings. 

I'm sincerely grateful for another year to inspire, love, create, and heal with each and every one of you through Bridge To Balance. May the new year bless you with thriving health, an open mind, and a peaceful heart- Happy New Year!!

December 29, 2020

 No photo description available.

What are the words you use the most? What are the words you say to yourself? Are they loving? Are they kind and supportive? 

The affirmations I’m sharing with my Mala clients through email and Zoom for our Mala Meditations are some of the ones I created during my own self-healing journey. It’s important to remember that as you’re saying the words, whether out loud or in your head, that you FEEL what you’re saying- that’s what gives it intention. Words and the intention behind them are very powerful, and when done in repetition, the impact is magnified. This is why repeating affirmations can make positive cognitive shifts.
The deepest healing occurs in a state of relaxation which is another reason why meditation is so beneficial.
Mala Meditation combines powerful affirmations with repetition and relaxation, and is the perfect combination for healing! 

Check out the Mala Shop on my site (link in bio), or let me make you a custom-made Mala, and join the Bridge To Balance Mala Meditation community!

December 25, 2020

Image may contain: one or more people

“Christmas... It’s not the giving. It’s not the getting. It’s the loving.” ~ Garfield

I picked up that great quote from an old Christmas special my kids and I watched last night, and this treasured ornament is from one of my thoughtful clients. I hope everyone felt loved today.

December 24, 2020

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The holidays can be a joyous time, and it can simultaneously be a difficult time for many. This year especially brings changes and challenges that we are all struggling to adjust to. 

I’ve experienced loss in many different ways throughout my life, but the past few years (especially the past few months), I have experienced more drastic changes and losses in relationships than ever, and I know I’m not alone. It makes it more evident just how precious a kind word or gesture is.
If you’re wondering what you can do for someone, just be nice. Say kind things. Show them love. That’s all. A little bit goes a very long way.

I’m filled with Christmas spirit this year because I have so much to be grateful for, including the fact that my children and I are safe, healthy, and we know how to make our own happy. We are so thankful for the friends and family who’ve continued to show us love without any conditions.
My Christmas wish is that everyone at a minimum feels LOVED. Love is simply the very best gift you can give and receive!

Merry Christmas, and love and blessings to all from our little family to yours!

December 24, 2020

Image may contain: text that says 'WAYS ΤΟ FIND PEACE IN 2021 forgive be more present let go of expectations create healthy boundaries .don't take things personally let go of responsibilities that aren't yours replace a negative thought w/2 positive ones .do the things that fuel your soul .love yourself more meditate Bridge Το Balance, LLC'

December 23, 2020

 Image may contain: text that says 'hiraeth (n.) a homesickness for a home to which you cannot return, a home which maybe never was; the nostalgia, the yearning, the grief for the lost places of your past WELSH OTHER-WORDLY.TUMB'

It’s that time of year... 

It takes some effort to appreciate the present for what it is instead of longing for what was or what never got to be. 

There are many gifts in the present.

December 22, 2020

Image may contain: text that says 'MIRROR OF TRUTH They look at you and see their shadows; they strike out unprovoked. Pain is what they project when their ego's left unstroked. Their strikes reveal their own buried wounds so it doesn't pay to stew; The injuries they inflict are not because of you. Wish them well, create some space but be mindful of the fact it's easy to make the same mistakes, so think before you act. Andrea @ Bridge To Balance, LLC'

December 21, 2020

Image may contain: text that says 'WINTER SOLSTICE The dark is not a place to be feared. Embrace it for its gifts and honor it with stillness; For this is the place from which everything grows. Andrea @ Bridge To Balance, LEĆ'

December 21, 2020

 Image may contain: text that says 'Thousands of years ago, a wonderous event was celebrated every civilization. Το this day, near December's end, Sol our sun, begins its ascension higher each day, repleni shment to all life on Earth. Warm wishes on your Winter Solstice! "'

Winter Solstice is a time for renewal, letting go of all that no longer serves us, and the embracing of hope with the darkness as the days once again begin to grow longer.

December 20, 2020

 Image may contain: 1 person, outdoor and closeup

Today marks two full weeks drinking celery juice every morning. I’m glad I had already gone gluten free before this, because to make all the dietary changes necessary to improve my health would be overwhelming to attempt all at once. I’ve been gluten free for two years, and now this next step. I’m also cutting out dairy, which is a really big step as well since I’m admittedly emotionally attached to ice cream, butter, and cheese, but these are also big sources of inflammation... 

I posted this picture because it’s a great representation of how healthy one can appear, and if they’re really determined, how far the body can be pushed. This was taken at the finish of a Tough Mudder. What you can’t see is that I was a kid chronically sick with throat and sinus infections which continued into adulthood. Then turned into allergies, digestive problems, joint pain, intermittent fevers, constant infections, and other symptoms. I’ve almost gotten used to feeling like shit, and the autoimmune diagnoses confirmed it. I pushed myself hard to do that event. I pushed my body past it’s limits to do Tae Kwon Do that I had to give up because my joints got too arthritic. I don’t want to give up yoga, too. If I don’t do something to get at the source instead of covering up symptoms with pharmaceuticals that give me other problems, then it’ll just continue to get worse. 

It feels good to take charge of my own health instead of leaving it in other people’s hands who are only guessing. Everyone’s systems are different, so I’m not saying that what I’m doing is a fix for everyone. Even blood type plays a role... I’m just saying that with every step I take in the right direction, I feel a little improvement, and that makes me happy to know all this effort is worth it.

December 17, 2020

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Meditation doesn’t magically make your problems disappear; it helps you to gain the clarity and wisdom to be able to better handle them. So many answers can be found in silence.

December 14, 2020

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When I meditate with a Mala, I repeat affirmations with each counting bead. Repeating positive affirmations helps to reprogram our minds to a healthier mindset which benefits not only the mind, but body and spirit as well since they are all interconnected. There is even scientific evidence to back this up! Affirmations can be tailored to suit your specific needs at the time. I love writing affirmations for different purposes, which is why I’m so excited to share my favorite affirmations with my Mala clients each week beginning in January of 2021!


December 13, 2020


Unusual circumstances like these are physically and emotionally draining. Holidays can bring their own set of drain, and trying to make them “normal” this year is an unrealistic expectation. Let’s just have an expectation of surviving and loving each other through all this.

December 9, 2020

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Have you ever read a book that changed your life? If so, what was it?

For me it was Quantum Healing by Deepak Chopra. He wrote it in 1989 and I read it that same year. Even though many years would pass before it really sank in, it planted a life-changing and life-saving seed for me about the mind/body/spirit connection... 

December 8, 2020

No photo description available.

While I make a Mala, I put myself in a good mental space, listen to meditative music, and fill the Mala with as much positive, healing energy as possible. They are created out of intention and love. It’s my hope that when it reaches the person it’s intended for, that they can feel all the good energy within it, too.

December 7, 2020


It has provided us with everything we need to succeed and thrive, but we can unknowingly sabotage our own progress. Why do we do that to ourselves? 

There are many reasons- old conditioning that makes us believe we don’t deserve better, unconsciously looking for acceptance, or that it’s uncomfortable to step outside of our comfort zones- just to name a few.
The hardest hurdle to get past is when we have centered our identity around our circumstances and habits. We tend to make it part of our identity and hold onto it like an old blanket because it’s comfortable and familiar. 

You are not what happened to you, and you are not your habits, but you can use what you now understand to help yourself learn, grow, evolve, and help others. You have the power to make different choices.

The Celery Juicing Begins!


December 6, 2020

This morning began my celery juicing journey! 

I spent most of my life in denial of symptoms that eventually got too severe to ignore, and a few years ago I finally went to a rheumatologist where I was diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis and Lupus. The thought of going on the meds they usually prescribe for those conditions pushed me to instead make radical diet and lifestyle changes that have given me considerable relief. I still occasionally struggle with some bad flares, and with all that has been happening in our world, I’ve been flaring pretty bad now for a few months. Time to bring out the big guns...

December 5, 2020


As I write the themes and mantras for each week, I’m getting more excited about this! Many of the themes and mantras are coming directly from my Self-Healing class and Reiki Certification curriculums... I can’t wait!!

Anyone who purchases (or has purchased) a Mala from me will be eligible to participate in my Monday Morning Mala Meditations through email and Zoom for FREE beginning in January 2021 - what a great way to start a week! I'll be sending out an email with details to my Mala peeps soon!

WE are the medicine!

Image may contain: text that says 'Sanctus. LOCKDOWN TOOL KIT DOPAMINE The Reward Chemical OXYTOCIN The Love Hormone Completing task Doing self-care self activities Eating food Celebrating little wins Playing with a dog Listen to music Do something nice for someone Give a compliment ENDORPHIN The Pain Killer SEROTONIN The Mood Stabalizer Meditating Running Sun exposure Walk in nature Swimming Cycling Laughter exercise Watch a comedy •Dark chocolate Exercising'

December 4, 2020

The body is truly amazing with its ability to conjure up these naturally-occurring chemicals just by doing certain activities!

Pace Yourself.


No photo description available.

December 4, 2020

Many of us are experiencing unusually low energy levels as a result of our less than normal lives right now. If you’re feeling frustrated with yourself for having to push so hard to function normally, you are not alone.

Give yourself- and each other- some grace and breathing room; especially with the holidays coming up. Let’s pace ourselves so we can go the duration without burning ourselves out.
Sending out love, healing, and grace for us all.

Full Beaver Moon.


Image may contain: sky, outdoor and nature

December 1, 2020

The Full Beaver Moon is perfectly timed for saging and clearing your space, setting positive intentions for a fresh start of the month ahead and a strong finish of a challenging year. Pat yourself on the back for making it this far and keep forging ahead!

We can still thrive...

 Image may contain: food, text that says 'Found this little gem...moral moral of the can have a few rotten years and still thrive'

November 30, 2020

Last year, I did Reiki for a child for the first time, and something struck me as very significant about that experience. I felt like I hardly had any layers to go through to balance and clear her chakras. It felt cleaner, simpler, easier. Before that, I didn't consciously think of it as going through layers for adults, but that experience showed me that’s exactly what it is.

For a tree, a layer is added to its trunk for every year of its life, which is why you can count the rings to determine the tree's age. Some of the rings look different and can tell a story of fire, drought, plague and plenty: “Count the dark rings, and you know the tree's age. If you study the rings, you can learn much more about the life of that tree. Many things affect the way the tree grows, and thus alter the shape, thickness, color and uniformity of the rings.”

In so many ways, we are like trees. Every year that we're alive, growing, learning, experiencing, another layer gets added. With negative experiences, traumas, heartbreaks, a thicker layer that's different than the others is added, just like in this photo. 

This year will no doubt leave a mark on most of our trunks, but we can take comfort in the fact that this is just a season, and we still have the potential to thrive.



Image may contain: text that says 'off the by Mark Parisi THAT CAN'T BE RIGHT... THURSDAY'S TEMP 350° @ com 11-25 @2019 eMeet Synd' 

November 26, 2020

Wishing you a belly full of food, a heart filled with love, and a home filled with peace- and if you’re finding it difficult to find gratitude today, just be glad you’re not the turkey. 

Happy Thanksgiving!

November 25, 2020

Image may contain: one or more people, text that says 'Always help someone. You might be the only one that does. Spirih Science'

I’m very fortunate to have my two young children living with me, so I’m preparing a Thanksgiving meal for the three of us and planning to bring a full plate (in a Pyrex container) to a loved one who lives alone. She is unable to join us in our home since we are both part of the vulnerable population. 

If you are making a Thanksgiving meal, offer a plate to someone you know who lives alone. Don’t assume others have already done this- check on them even if you think someone else has. This is a way to make sure that those who are alone still get to safely enjoy a Thanksgiving meal, and the best part is they’ll feel extra loved because of you.

November 24, 2020

Image may contain: text that says 'now We isolate gather again So when we missing No oneis'

Every year at this time, we are reminded to be extra grateful for all that we have. This year, I believe it’s just as important to be grateful for what we don’t have. If you are in a household fortunate enough to not be touched by Covid, as hard as it is to be apart from our loved ones especially for the holidays, please do whatever you can to stay safe and healthy.


How to help your newly widowed friend.

 November 23, 2020

No photo description available.

A friend called me up last night to tell me that her best friend’s husband suddenly passed away, and she wanted to know what she could do to help and the right things to say. Since we’re in the middle of a pandemic, I thought it might be a good idea to put some advice out there should you find yourself in a similar situation.

Know that your friend will never be the same. This is a life-altering event that will change him or her forever, so don’t expect from them what you did in the past or for them to eventually get back to “normal.” They will be in a lot of pain, distracted, forgetful, and go into survival mode. The things that once mattered won’t, and things that didn’t matter before will. They probably won’t even know what they need, and if they do, they they might be too prideful to ask. They will be less tolerant of the petty things in life that we all think are so important right now, and their perspective will radically shift. You might not understand it, but if you love them, you’ll respect it. This applies to men just as much as women. Compassion and love are the best things you can offer your friend- or anyone else for that matter. The world is lacking this at a time when we all need it the most. is just as helpful to you- the friend of someone widowed- as it is for your friend who lost the one they expected to spend forever with. Check out their site, and the section on how you can help.

MALAS from Bridge To Balance, LLC

November 22, 2020

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Every Mala I create comes with a detailed letter outlining the healing benefits of the different materials used for your specific Mala, instructions on how to use your Mala for meditation, as well as suggested mantras/affirmations that could best benefit you and your specific needs. It is also infused with healing Reiki energy.

Purchasing a Mala from Bridge To Balance also includes access to my free weekly Mala Meditation Zoom beginning in January of 2021, which will have a different theme each week to give you guided practice meditating with your Mala and an opportunity to learn different mantras and affirmations to help heal in mind, body and spirit! 

Exciting Announcement!!

November 19, 2020

Children's Grief Awareness Day

 November 19, 2020

Image may contain: text that says 'children* S Grief Awareness Day'

Today is Children's Grief Awareness Day. 1 out of 20 children will experience the death of a parent before their 18th birthday. Those figures were as of 2019, so they could very well be different this year since we have lost so many more to the pandemic. 

For children, their grief changes with them as they grow. With new levels of understanding as they develop, they may need to be told many times (each with varying levels of detail depending on the age of the child) how their parent died and ask many difficult questions. Their grief can show up all different ways, and sometimes it’s difficult to tell what is grief and what is typical developmental behavior for their age. Although kids are very resilient, their grief and stages are still very relevant and continue through adulthood. 

It’s a lifelong process. 

You get to decide the legacy that you leave.

 November 15, 2020

Image may contain: text that says 'MAY YOU GET TO DECIDE THE LEGACY THAT YOU LEAVE. GPTUMBL'

There are some people that come into your life and leave an imprint so profound, that your life is forever changed for the better- even long after they’ve gone. 

Today marks 12 years since I lost the love of my life in a fatal accident. He is the reason I know the bliss of reciprocated love. He's the reason for our two amazing kids. He's the reason I've made lifelong friendships with others whose lives have also been deeply touched by loss. Because of Matt, I know it's possible to survive grief so deep I thought it would kill me, to learn resiliency, to thrive, and the chance to share that hope with others who need it, too.

Leave people better than you found them. Leave an imprint of love. How do you want to be remembered?


 November 15, 2020

This is definitely something that held me back for a long time. I wasn't done being a wife. I wasn't ready to give up the idea that my kids would grow up with a dad. It took a long time for me to let go of what I thought our lives were supposed to look like. It's hard to find your place in a world where these are the ideals required to fit in, too. 

It's us misfits that pave the way for the others, and when trauma causes their worlds to fall apart, too, they'll know who to go to for love, hope, acceptance, community, and healing.

AUTUMNAL EQUINOX SERIES - All in one post!!!

 November 1, 2020

This winter has the potential to be one of the most challenging for all of us - not only are we adjusting to less sunlight and colder temps heading into winter, but almost a year into a pandemic with the additional challenges that continues to bring, along with the collective anxiety we’re all feeling about everything which makes coping much more difficult. 

For all these reasons, I compiled a list of 20 simple and easily-attainable suggestions in the hopes it will help us all to stay grounded, lift our spirits, and find more balance which has the added bonus of strengthening our immune systems when we need it most.

  13. GIVE
  15. REIKI

It's my sincere hope that these ideas help you just as much as they continue to help me. By keeping yourself balanced, happy and focused on love, you're helping everyone around you as well with its ripple effect. Keep this list handy for yourself, and share it with those you know who can benefit from it, too.

Happy Healing!


 October 31, 2020


Cultures all around the world have interesting traditions for different occasions, and there’s one in particular that I have always admired that originated in Mexico called Dia De Los Muertos - “Day of the Dead” which begins November 1 and ends November 2. 

Western culture holds a dark and morbid outlook on death, and this tradition sheds a whole new light on a natural phase of our existence. Instead of death being a taboo and hushed topic, there’s an entire holiday around it that is a lively celebration of all who have passed, knowing that their spirits continue to live on. Instead of being afraid to mention a departed loved one’s name, they celebrate the fact that they lived by creating altars with colorful decorations, preparing delicious foods, and having parades, festivals and parties! 

If you’re interested in learning more about this beautiful tradition, check out this article by National Geographic:


 October 30, 2020

Tomorrow (Saturday, October 31, 2020) is our second full moon of the month! The Hunter’s moon will peak at 10:49am and is rare for a few reasons - first, it’s not often we get two full moons in one month; second, it’s been 76 years since a full moon landed on Halloween; and third, it’s a Blue moon which means four full moons have occurred during just one season.

If you’re feeling a little out of sorts lately, a little extra sensitive, or just feeling a whole lot of everything all at once, you’re not alone. This is a time in which you might want to delay making a big decision or negotiations, and use some extra restraint, patience and love with all of your communications. There’s an energetic shift in the works and has been for a while, but right now it’s a bit magnified because the veil is pretty thin and the alignment of the planets and our moon could be influencing it as well. It’s also exacerbated by the heightened emotions felt around the country and the world right now. 

Everything is energy, and because we are all connected, that in itself is going to have an effect on every single one of us, whether we believe in our interconnectedness or not. The events of this year so far are all evidence of this. Believe it or not, this is actually a good thing- it provides proof to us more than ever of just how connected we all are, and as a result, is creating a mass awakening. I am fully aware of how full of woo this sounds, but I’ve decided to just embrace the woo instead of fighting it like I have for far too long, and it feel so good!!

The full moon is always a wonderful opportunity to set your intentions for the upcoming month and release what no longer serves you, so make your list for tomorrow, and don’t forget to set out your healing stones/crystals for charging and clearing (this includes your Mala if you’ve gotten one from me)!

Day 20 of 20 - Autumnal Equinox Series: TREAT YOURSELF!

 October 30, 2020

Celebrate you by treating yourself to something special because you deserve it! It’s so uplifting to have something to look forward to, and sometimes you have to be the one to give it to yourself. 

Here are some ideas: 

1 - Take an unscheduled day off. Playing hooky from work or school gives a little thrill of rebellion, and a whole day to yourself to do whatever you want! 

2 - Treat yourself to a seafood dinner. If seafood isn’t your favorite, choose whatever is (it’s even better if you’re not the one preparing it). 

3 - Go out for ice cream. Ice cream is a universal treat - especially when you normally limit yourself from these kinds of goodies. 

4 - Get some new socks. There is nothing like slipping on some new, cushy socks that still have all the fluff and elasticity in the fabric that hug your feet and keep them warm. 

5 - Have Instacart do your grocery shopping. If you haven’t tried this yet, I highly recommend it. I never thought I’d be okay with someone else doing my grocery shopping (not that it ever was an option before) but I’ve been doing this since the beginning of the pandemic and it has been a welcomed bonus to not have to subject myself to the grocery store- especially right now. 

6 - Buy yourself some fresh flowers. Bringing a little burst of the outdoors into your home with the beautiful colors and fragrance of flowers can help light up your whole week if they last that long. 

7 - Take a soothing bath in epsom salts. A relaxing soak in the tub is always enjoyable, and epsom salts make it even more soothing. Epsom salt has been used for hundreds of years to ease all kinds of aches and pains, so the benefits last even after your soak is over. 

8 - Buy the “fancy” brand of coffee to brew at home. The fancier brands of coffee are usually more expensive than the standard ones, so once in a while, it’s fun to be fancy and make that morning cup even more luxurious. 

9 - Enlist someone else to clean the kitchen or to make dinner. If you’re the main person in charge of these (and most other) chores, it’s a HUGE treat to not have to do it yourself. 

10 - Take a nap. This one is pretty self-explanatory… Everyone’s list might look a little different, but those are the things I think of when I think about treating myself!

This is the last post for this Autumnal Equinox Series - I hope you enjoyed reading them as much as I’ve enjoyed writing them, and I hope even more that you decide to put some into practice for yourself during the challenging months ahead! 

Happy Healing!

Day 19 of 20 - Autumnal Equinox Series: REMEMBER YOUR POWER

October 29, 2020

If you’re reading this, you have made it through every single one of your most difficult moments, and you're still making it through. This year continues to present us with more than the average share of challenges, but believe it or not, there are many people out there who can comfortably say that 2020 has not been their personal worst. How is it possible to survive some the most unimaginable hardships that life dishes out? There is this little piece of magic inside of each and every one of us that you may or may not even know you have.

It’s the piece of you that has been with you for lifetimes. It’s the same piece of you that holds the power to activate the healing that takes place in your mind, body and spirit. It is more of the TRUE you than the you that you THINK you are (you may need to read that a couple of times…). It can be called your spirit, higher self, soul, etc. It’s the piece of you that’s been connected to the Divine and the Universe since the beginning of time. Our spirits hold the wisdom and knowledge from lifetimes of experiences, mistakes, lessons, heartaches, and triumphs; they hold strengths that go beyond any physical limitations. We are powerful, infinite beings. We are spirits having a human experience. 

It’s time to shed the layers of past conditioning that have held you back, kept you small, and planted any seeds of doubt. Those seeds were planted out of fear, jealousy, insecurity and generational trauma. It’s time to start recognizing your strengths for what they really are, and believe in yourself and your potential. All of this is ignited by the love that only you are capable of giving to yourself. It matters most what YOU believe about you. Believe the best. Start right now. You are loved, supported, protected and guided by the universe. Surround yourself with others who believe this about you, and if they don’t, create healthy boundaries and be what you have needed others to be for you. You will eventually find your tribe. 

Remember who you are. Remember your power, and don’t let anyone or anything make you forget it again.

Day 18 of 20 - Autumnal Equinox Series: PICK UP THE PHONE

 October 28, 2020

Social media and texting makes a connection quick and easy, but so much is lost and has the potential to make a brief connection impersonal, and complicated with misunderstanding. Hearing someone’s voice that we care about is much more personal and has a positive chemical reaction on our bodies. When you think of someone who has passed that you dearly love, and then you think about hearing their voice again (or even get to hear it in an old video or recording), it has an emotional and chemical effect on us. How amazing would it be to hear their voice one more time? 

If too much time passes without speaking to the people in our lives, our minds can begin to convince us that they don’t care. The truth is, everyone gets busy and distracted with their own lives, and not everyone is good about picking up the phone. The traditional telephone conversation is an easy method of communication that is less likely than ever to be used, and this is a time when we need it the most. Is there a family member or a friend you haven’t talked to in a while that would be pleasantly surprised to hear from you? Chances are there most certainly is; especially our older relatives who might have less opportunities to get out and about and who are less likely to text. 

Making a connection with those you care about can lower anxiety and feelings of depression, helps us regulate our emotions, raises our self-esteem, and all that has a positive effect on our immune systems which are more important than ever to keep strong. It also gives us a little extra reassurance that the people we care about are doing ok during all these uncertain times. We don’t really know what’s happening in someone’s life unless they tell us themselves, and this is not a time to make assumptions. Some people tend to withdraw when they’re having a tough time, too. There is a collective anxiety that we are all feeling right now, and this is one tiny way that we can ease it a little bit for each other. 

Pick up your cell and give someone an old-fashioned ring on the phone to let them know you’re thinking of them. It’ll make your day just as much as it will make theirs - I guarantee it!

Day 17 of 20 - Autumnal Equinox Series: PERMISSION TO REST

 October 27, 2020

Throughout this series, you’ve been reading about all the different things you can do to help yourself through this period of changing seasons, pandemic, and the collective anxiety felt all around the country. Now I’m here to tell you that it’s just as important to do NOTHING as it is to DO all the things. Yep - you heard that right! This is your official permission to rest and do nothing. 

Believe it or not, you ARE accomplishing something by resting. Your body, mind and spirit need time to process and recover, so when you give yourself the opportunity to have downtime outside of your regular bedtime, it might be exactly what you need to give yourself the renewed energy to keep going and actually be more productive.

I was conditioned to believe that relaxing is being lazy, and that instead of resting, something should be accomplished during that time. Naps were strongly discouraged. I have unlearned a LOT of the conditioning I grew up with, and this was a big one. It was hard (and sometimes still is) to not feel guilty when providing myself with this necessary care. Having an autoimmune condition forced me to listen to my body and rest when I need to because I learned that if I ignore this critical need, I get easily rundown and sick which means I won’t accomplish anything for even longer than if I had just taken a little bit of time for myself. This quote hits home for me in so many ways and although you might get tired of hearing it, it’s worth repeating: “If you don’t take time for your wellness, you’ll be forced to make time for your illness. 

So if you’re feeling run down, exhausted, overwhelmed, resting is just as important as anything else on your To Do list. You’re healing yourself. The body heals best when it is in a state of relaxation, which is one of the reasons Reiki makes it an integral part of the practice.

Cuddle up with a soft blanket, put your head on a cushy pillow, close your weary eyes, and relish in the reassurance of knowing that you’re doing something good for you.

Happy healing, and tune in tomorrow for another helpful tip!

Day 16 of 20 - Autumnal Equinox Series: LEARN SOMETHING NEW

 October 26, 2020

Is there something you have always wanted to learn? Sign language, US History that you may have forgotten from your school days, martial arts, taxidermy? Were you unable to complete the degree you were working towards because life took you in another direction, or maybe you’d like to further your education? Right now we have access to even more opportunities to learn online than ever before! Many classes that were never available online prior to the pandemic are now easily accessible, and many at discounted prices or even offered for free. They are even more convenient because most can be done during your spare time and from the comfort of your own home. 

Learning new things expands our minds, exercises our brains by strengthening neural connections and creating new pathways, and helps us to grow in unexpected ways. It gives a great sense of accomplishment and new skills we didn’t realize we had the potential for! It enhances quality of life and improves mental health which has benefits for mind, body and spirit. Don’t underestimate yourself - you can learn anything, and it’s never ever too late. 

Here is an amazing source of some of the online learning platforms available, and don’t forget to take a look at your continuing education catalog for some ideas, too! 

I realize that I could offer all of Bridge To Balance’s classes online as well; however, I’ve chosen to use this time to write my heart out, share as much helpful content as possible for free through my blog and social media posts, and be available to help my children through their remote learning experience. When the time is right, these classes will begin: 

B2B SELF-HEALING CLASSES - Not a certification class, but a less intensive introduction to Reiki and how you can use it to help yourself. By understanding some of the basics, you can empower yourself toward a path of self-healing and self love that will bring about balance and peace to every aspect of your life. This is recommended as a precursor to certification classes since it is very important to learn ways to help yourself heal in some fundamental ways before helping others to heal.

  • Shoden - 1st Degree (Level I)
  • Okuden - 2nd Degree (Level 2 II)
  • Shinpiden - 3rd Degree (Master Level)
MALA-MAKING WORKSHOPS: A Mala is an ancient meditation tool like prayer beads that has many benefits. For the person who has a hard time staying focused and struggles with meditation, a Mala can make all the difference. Learn how to make your own Mala using traditional beading techniques, how to use it for meditation, and leave with a whole new skill set and a beautiful piece of art you can wear that you created with your own two hands!

To learn more, go to:

Day 15 of 20 - Autumnal Equinox Series: REIKI

 October 23, 2020

We have an unlimited capacity to heal ourselves. Understanding this potential is actually the first step in healing. The body, mind and spirit each have a direct effect on each other, and by helping one part, you’re helping all of them simultaneously. 

Energy healing has been around since ancient times. Our ancestors used all of the natural resources that were provided to them from the earth, the universe, and themselves- all of the same things that are still available to us today. Reiki (pronounced “RAY-key”) is one form of energy healing that can activate the healing energy that exists inside each and every one of us. One of the ways it promotes healing is by using deep relaxation to create the ideal conditions needed for optimal results. 

The energy centers (chakras) in our bodies can become blocked or stagnant depending on the different circumstances of the individual which manifest in physical and emotional symptoms. A Reiki professional is trained and attuned to universal/divine energy in order to help clear and balance the body’s energy centers so that energy can flow freely for optimal health in mind, body and spirit. While the Reiki professional can help with the process, it requires participation on the part of the client to be open and receptive to their own healing as well. Remember- YOU are your very best healer! 

Every Reiki Practitioner operates a little differently. I enjoy complimenting my practice with additional modalities such as sound therapy, aromatherapy, healing crystals, and guided meditation. The use of these modalities in combination increases the healing potential of Reiki. I have created a sacred space designed to facilitate optimal healing and a calming environment. Clients lie down or sit comfortably in a chair and are fully clothed. Reiki energy is transferred through a gentle, non-invasive touch, or from just hovering my hands a few inches away. I am intuitively guided to focus on the areas that need most attention, however Reiki is an intelligent energy that goes where it is needed most. 

There are three options to receive Reiki: either a session in person, a Distance session, or learning how to do it for yourself (Self-Reiki). Distance Reiki is an under-appreciated way of receiving Reiki; since energy is limitless, it can be given and received from any distance in the world. Reiki has been an integral part of my own necessary healing, and I love being able to pass these benefits along to my clients and students. At this time, I am only taking clients for Distance Reiki. If you are interested in a Distance Session or would just like to learn more, click here:

Day 14 of 20 - Autumnal Equinox Series: SACRED SPACE

 October 22, 2020

With all the chaos and upheaval in the world right now, it’s imperative that we show ourselves some extra love. Designating one little area of your home all to yourself where you can retreat to is a big way to give yourself some very necessary self-care, and is the ideal place where you can put into practice many of the tips you've been reading in this Autumnal Equinox Series. If you live with children or other adults, it’s even more important to have a space you can call your own. Even if you’re living alone, create a designated area of your home where you can escape even from your daunting To Do list.

Once you have designated your space in a quiet corner (or spare room if you’re lucky), now to make it sacred: Keep it uncluttered, and make it beautiful with your favorite things. Keep only the things in there that will bring you peace and add to your healing. In my sacred space, I have a cozy chair to sit in, a candle, some sage and palo santo for clearing the energy, my favorite crystals for their healing energy, a little bluetooth speaker to play some healing music, my Mala for meditation, and a blanket to provide extra warmth and comfort. 

Even if you just designate a few minutes out of your day, this sacred space is just for you where you can meditate, practice breath work, do Self-Reiki, or read a book- any of the things that help fuel your spirit and bring you healing, where you feel nothing but peaceful, protected, comforted and calm to get in touch with your higher self. Try it for yourself and feel what a difference it can make for your mind, body and spirit!

Day 13 of 20 - Autumnal Equinox Series: GIVE

 October 21, 2020

Giving to others is one of the best ways to receive joy and fill your spirit, and there are endless ways to give aside from just monetary donations. Here are a few ideas:

As a continuation of yesterday’s post about decluttering, donating some of your items is a wonderful way to get them out of your house and into someone else’s hands who really needs them. Household items, clothes, shoes, linens, etc. The pandemic has made these needs even greater. Goodwill and Salvation Army are good options, but also consider taking them directly to a local shelter such as:
  • Compass House in Buffalo - shelter for runaway and homeless youth ages 12-17;
  • Buffalo City Mission - shelter for males
  • Cornerstone Manor - shelter for women and children
  • Haven House - shelter for domestic violence victims
Here’s a link for these and more:

The above shelters or a food pantry could probably use some extra hands, and is especially needed during the holidays. Some local food pantries are listed here:

Blood is always in demand and is needed every day to save lives. You can even get a $5 gift card for it:

This is another way to save lives. For patients with blood cancers, a bone marrow transplant can lead to remission or even a cure.

I don’t recommend dying anytime soon, but consider registering to become an organ donor. One person could potentially save eight lives, or improve as many as sixty lives and enhance the eyesight of two people. It could also help your family through the grieving process, knowing that their loved one is helping to save the lives of others.

This is the most needed commodity of all - especially right now. All the above are also expressions of love, but here are some other even easier ideas: if you’re annoyed with someone either online or in real life, show some love by giving the gift of compassion and patience by responding with love or not at all. Give a compliment. Smile and wave to your neighbor. You’d be surprised at how a simple kind gesture can make the biggest difference in someone’s day. Kindness is contagious, and it’s healthy for your spirit, too.

Follow me on Instagram and Facebook to stay in the loop for more tips!


This Throat Chakra Mala is made with 106 Sandalwood counting beads + 2 Blue Lapiz Lazuli counting beads, cedar wood Buddha guru bead, blue s...